Monday, July 2, 2007

Switzerland, the true home of the Free and land of the Brave


The final getaway to my "European Adventure" was one of my most favorite places, Switzerland, home of true liberty and freedom and some of the kindest people you could ever meet! Not to mention the Swiss Alps and some of the world's most beautiful scenery.

As you know, Switzerland is a very small country, so we saw most of it, starting in Geneva then to Interlaken and Bern, and everywhere in between. The highlight of my trip was going paragliding, where I ran off a cliff hoping the parachute would inflate, which luckily it did, after takeoff we flew straight into the alps, coming to what seemed to be about ten feet from the jagged cliff sides, when we went in for our landing we hit over 4G, an amazing, somewhat sickening, feeling. I cannot wait until I return back to this amazing country.

Okay, so it have been awhile...

Oh how things have changed since I last updated my blog. First off I am not longer in Europe. I have traveled to many more countries, but I am now back in Chico working three jobs. I guess I am back to reality, whatever that may be.

The last few weeks have been really difficult to adjust back to the United State's culture. It seems like things were some much simpler back in Spain. It's amazing how annoyed I find myself getting at little things lately, it is hard to adjust back into a culture that is so strongly opinionated and closed-minded. However it is wonderful to be back with my family and friends.

I have moved into my new apartment. It is pretty much completely furnished except for Caitlin not being here yet, she will arrive in a few more weeks.

I have been working about fifty hours a week between my three jobs: Research Foundation HR Department, Education for the Future, and Starbucks Coffee Company. Its nice to be busy and to be back in the working world. Alright, I will update more later, I need to get on to my homework for the two online classes I am taking this summer.