Monday, March 5, 2007

Lisbon, Portugal

Here are some pictures from my trip to Lisbon (Lisboa), Portugal from Feb 17th thru 20th. Lisbon was an amazing place, one of the few places I have gone without getting ripped off by paying too much for so-so food. They say that the Portugese could cook cod for every dinner for an entire year without repeating one receipe. The cod that I ate was absolutely amazing!!! A four course meal with wine set me back twelve euros (15 UDS), a great deal!

Lisbon was the first place (outside of Italy) that I traveled to on land, it was great not having to deal with the whole airport experience. My friend, Lindsay (from Chico State), and myself set out from Bilbao Late thursday night, taking a bus to La Coruna, Spain. We stayed there Friday leaving Saturday evening, once again by bus, to Lisbon. It surprised me to see the drastic difference between Spain and Portugal, aside from the language and slight cultural change. Northern Portugal is still a drastically poor country. Most roads aside the freeway were muddy dirt roads with "lavish huts" sitting aside them. Porto and Lisbon were a much different picture. Our hotel sat next to a Louis Vuitton store in Lisbon... No huts in sight...

Lisbon was a city full of hills, much like San Francisco. Above you can see one of the many walking streets equipped with trolley cars.

One of the many castles in Lisbon (this one built in 1515 to protect from seaward enterance into the city). It's set off the coast about thirty meters.

No, its not the golden gate, its the Ponte 25 de Abril, or the April 25th Bridge... Many of the streets throughout Lisbon are named after a special date in their history.

Here I am at one of the many Plazas in Lisbon, this one is named Comercio.

Here is the famous arch at the end of Rua Augusta entering into Camercio Square.

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